Sunday 16 June 2013

Trooping the Colour - The Colonel's Review

Following the excitement of last year’s Trooping the Colour, we decided to get in early this year and enter the ballot for the official ceremony at the Horse Guards Parade. This involved composing a hand written letter to the Brigade Major, popping it in the post in February, and then waiting patiently for a reply.

Very old school.

After a week or so of keeping an eye on the post, we received our tickets. Upon initial inspection, we were a tad concerned that Daniel was going to have to wear a full Morning Suit – three piece suit with tales and top hat – but fortunately the fine print revealed that trousers and a jacket would suffice.


The big day arrived, and thankfully given the outdoor seating, the rain looked like staying away. We arrived at the Horse Guards Parade and went through the most thorough bag search of all time – the security guard literally went so far as to open Monique’s purse and search each little pocket.

The parade itself was well worth the effort of writing a letter. The whole idea of ‘military precision’ takes on a whole new meaning when watching a few hundred soldiers and their horses all moving in perfect time and unity without so much as a hair out of place for a couple of hours.

While if you stopped for too long to reflect on how relevant all the pomp, ceremony and funny outfits are in today’s world it would be easy to come up scratching your head. But ignoring that, it was heaps of fun, highly entertaining, and a great experience to be a part of.

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