Monday, 13 January 2014

Christmas in New York!

Merry Christmas!

Clockwise from top left: Team New York; Lost in the West side; Classic NY Pizza

When making the decision to stay in London for a second year, Daniel kept joking to Monique that it would be fun to do Christmas in New York.

A seed was sown.

A year or so later after much saving, planning, and a fair amount of cajoling to convince five friends to join us, we were on our way.

We set off with a rare sense of excitement and anticipation. On the one hand, New York promised to be a jewel in our traveling crown - an amazing way to finish off our adventures before heading home in a few months time. On the other, spending 11 days with some of our nearest and dearest friends would see memories created that would last a lifetime, and be balm for our souls after spending almost 2.5 years living away from home.

Needless to say, we were pretty excited.

Thankfully we can now report that not only were our lofty expectations met, they were comfortably exceeded in every imaginable way. 

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