Sunday 8 January 2012

The long drive back to Lille

*Sorry it's been a while since we've posted...we've been a bit out of routine :)
These posts date back to mid December...but we'll quickly be back up to date.

As all good things must come to an end we started the long drive from Venice back to Lille to hand the van back. Due to not doing enough research about Schengen visas we had to cut the campervanning part of our adventure a few days short to avoid issues heading to Holland for Christmas and New Years (it’s a long story…we won’t bore you with it here!).

From Venice, we had the choice of driving to the east of Switzerland and up through Germany, or west of Switzerland and through France. The Germany option had the upside of no tolls on the autobahn, but the risk of snow and getting caught without winter tires (a requirement by law). We decided to take the safer, but more expensive option of going through France.

Our last night in the van was spent in a French town called Samoëns on the edge of the the snow. We woke up in the morning and made the most of being back in France by heading straight to a patisserie. It was a nice way to finish up – although cold!

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